
E-BORESU nº 12

This work aims to propose the academic digital edition of an account from 1554, in which the author, Andrés Muñoz, recounts the journey that Philip II made to England to marry Queen Mary Tudor. The main objective of this work is to develop a workflow proposal for the academic digital edition of a brief text from the Golden Age, particularly a "Relación de sucesos" (Account of events). To facilitate a more efficient approach to this and to address the advantages and challenges posed by the new medium, a definition of academic digital editing is provided, which also serves to focus on the paradigm shift.

A workflow is proposed that can be accessible to humanist scholars without the need for particularly advanced technological skills; the dissemination of knowledge and cultural heritage texts should be in the hands of academics, and this perspective becomes even more concrete and contemporary with the use of the digital medium. The mentioned workflow is articulated in three main points: transcription of digitized material (Transkribus tool), tagging (XML-TEI protocol), and visualization (EVT tool).